President's message

Takao OCHI
APAA Japan group President
On behalf of the Japan Group of the Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA JAPAN), I am pleased to extend my warmest greetings to all members of APAA and everyone engaging in IP matters.
APAA JAPAN was established on March 30, 1970, as one of the recognized groups of the APAA. In 2015, the General Assembly and Council Meetings were held in Okinawa where about 1600 participants including the APAA members and observers from about 70 countries attended and enjoyed the events and the atmosphere on historical and tropical-resort area in Japan.
APAA JAPAN organizes anti-counterfeiting committee, copyright committee, design committee, patents committee and trademarks committee so as to contribute to the standing committees held in the annual meeting of the APAA. APAA JAPAN has about 660 members and holds monthly board meetings with keeping the following missions in mind.
・ To foster close relationships with IP-related organizations including JPAA, FICPI, AIPPI and WIPO,
・ To conduct research and study for IP matters in the Asian region and provide IP information to the members of APAA JAPAN, and
・ To cooperate with APAA and provide support for APAA’s activities.
I hope that APAA JAPAN will contribute to development of the intellectual property environment in the Asian region through our activities and cooperation with APAA.
Takao OCHI
President, APAA JAPAN
President's message
On behalf of the Japan Group of the Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA JAPAN), I am pleased to extend my warmest greetings to all members of APAA and everyone engaging in IP matters.
APAA JAPAN was established on March 30, 1970, as one of the recognized groups of the APAA. APAA JAPAN held a ceremony and reception to celebrate 40th anniversary on September 8, 2010. The event was attended by a number of distinguished guests including Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office, Judges of the Intellectual Property High Court and Tokyo District Court, President and Vice-Presidents of JPAA, current and past Presidents of APAA, Senior Vice-Presidents of APAA, and Presidents of Recognized Groups of APAA.
Our missions include:
- To foster close relationships with IP-related organizations including JPAA, FICPI, JPO, and WIPO and cooperate with such organizations;
- To conduct research and study regarding IP matters in the Asia region and provide IP information to the members of APAA JAPAN and other IP-related individuals and organizations; and;
- To cooperate with APAA and provide support for APAA’s activities.
In order to fulfill our missions, APAA JAPAN has a number of Committees regarding Anti-Counterfeiting, Copyright, Design, Patent and Trademark within our organization to cooperate with the corresponding Standing Committees of APAA, and an Asia Committee to conduct research and study regarding IP matters in the Asia region.
I hope that APAA JAPAN will contribute to the promotion of the protection of intellectual property throughout the world, especially in the Asia region through our committee activities and cooperation with APAA.
Shigeru Inaba
President, APAA JAPAN
President's message

APAA Japan group President
On behalf of the Japan Group of the Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA JAPAN), I am pleased to extend to you my greetings.
APAA JAPAN was established on March 30, 1970 as one of the officially recognized groups of the Asian Patent Attorneys Association. APAA JAPAN has about 650 patent attorneys and holds monthly board meetings and committee meetings.
Our group’s aims and policies are as follows:
- To maintain close communication and relationships with WIPO, FICPI, JPO, JPAA and other IP authorities;
- To conduct research and study regarding IP matters through committee activities;
- To provide IP information, and
- To provide cooperation and support for APAA’s activities
I hope that the creation of this APAA JAPAN English-version web site is of great help and advantage to the understanding of IP laws and practice in Japan, and will contribute to the global development of the IP community.
Kozo Takeuchi
President, APAA JAPAN